Operation Dream Coach

With the first quarter of 2023 coming to a close, our team has had the opportunity to review with the many investors we work with at Marzano Capital Group.  The depth of our conversations has been robust, in light of a difficult year in both stocks and bonds.  We view those conversations as a privilege.  Myself, along with the rest of our team members, have been asked a very similar question from prospective clients that reaffirmed the continued need to educate on how our firm strives to add value.

“What makes your firm different?” We enjoy being asked this because we feel strongly about our process.  To answer that question, it would be appropriate to focus on 3 high level themes in that we feel help to answer this question more clearly.

  • Dream Coaching: Understanding what you envision your ideal life being like is a huge part of how we can add value. We sit across the desk from many clients that have never had a discussion surrounding their life goals. Retirement has to be a part of it, but living the type of lifestyle you want NOW can be an even larger part for some. Having these open architecture conversations is a very enjoyable part of our job and helps better crate a roadmap for your situation!
  • Three Cs of Communication: Clear, Consistent and Concise provide the foundation of our communication goal with clients. We strive very hard to make sure investors understand the nature of our investment management process. A large part of this is making sure we communicate clearly and proactively.
  • Your Go-To Call: Most of our clients lean on us for more than just investment management. We pride ourselves on making sure we connect you with the right folks. We will do everything we can on our end to make sure you’re as financially bulletproof as possible, but if you need a loan/line of credit, tax planning, estate planning, etc. we can make sure to point you in the right direction and be involved in these meetings to advocate on your behalf if you would like.

Being independent and working for our clients is our number one priority.  We will do our best to make sure you can feel this during our discussions and planning sessions. We look forward to continue serving our current clients and welcome the same for prospective clients. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime if we can be of assistance!

Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advice offered through Independent Advisor Alliance, a registered investment advisor. Independent Advisor Alliance and Marzano Capital Group are separate entities from LPL Financial.

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