Community Involvement

Alzheimer’s Walk

Nov 2nd Marzano Capital Group participated in an Alzheimer walk.

27th Annual Davie Chamber Pro Scramble Golf Tournament

September 27th – Marzano Capital Group was a sponsor of the Davie Chamber Pro Scramble Gold Tournament

Trellis Kentucky Derby Party

May 4th – Jon, Steven, Mike, Thomas, & Alyssa attended the Trellis Kentucky Debry Party – Marzano Capital Group was the “Bar Sponsor” (@ the Hope Sponsor Level) – Mike is still a leadership council member for Trellis and helped with the event as well!

23rd Annual Cancer Services Wrapped Up in Ribbons Event

April 27th – Jon, Steven, & Angela attended the 23rd Annual Cancer Services Wrapped Up In Ribbons event – Marzano Capital Group was a Diamond Ribbon Sponsor – the larger group photo includes Sarah Gallo (Steven’s wife) and two clients of Marzano Capital Group

Flying in a Van’s Aircraft RV-10

April 25th – Brandon went flying with some clients in a Van’s Aircraft RV-10 – they took off from Twin Lakes Airport in Davie County and flew around Pilot Mountain. We try to elevate our client’s financial goals but sometimes they take us to new heights.

Greater Winston-Salem Inc’s ASPIRE WS

April 23rd – Mike was a panel speaker for Greater Winston-Salem Inc’s ASPIRE WS, “Let’s Talk Career” event that allowed students to focus on building a solid foundation of workforce readiness (

Crosby Scholars 9th Grade Summer Leadership Academy

On July 27th, Mike was asked to give a presentation on basic investment information to the Crosby Scholars 9th Grade Summer Leadership Academy.

Trellis Kentucky Derby Party

We had a fantastic time at the Trellis Kentucky Derby Party! We are proud to be sponsors of this wonderful event. Our very own Mike not only serves as a sponsor but also holds a position on their council.

Trellis Supportive Care provides compassionate care for individuals living with a life-limiting illness and their families, through quality medical, emotional, spiritual and social support.

Women on the Move Leadership Conference

We had a great time at the Women on the Move Leadership Conference!

It was an inspirational event with over 250 amazing women in attendance. We were proud to be a sponsor and even prouder to have our own Jon Marzano brave enough to get on stage for an “infomercial”.